By replacing one or two meals with our Healthy Trim meal replacement range and restricting carbohydrates and your overall calorie intake per day, in turn accelerates your metabolism to burn more fat, putting your body in a Ketosis state. Try to commit to 30 minutes of physical movement per day. It will help accelerate your weight loss, strengthen and tone.

You can definitely maintain a healthy weight after you’ve reached your goals! The important thing to remember is how you achieved your weight loss goals and what you have learned along the way. Healthy eating habits and exercise routines that have aided you on your weight loss journey.  If you continue to follow a diet that’s low carb and low sugar, high protein, with lots of veggies and salads, combined with regular daily exercise you will absolutely be able to maintain your accomplished weight.

Healthy Trim is a nutritionally balanced meal replacement program. You can remain on our program until you have achieved your weight loss goals or would like to maintain your weight by replacing one meal a day with our meal replacement range.

Ensure you are following the Healthy Trim program as recommended and are not consuming food that isn’t permitted. Be mindful, your weight might slow down as your body adjusts and you are nearer to achieving your weight loss goals. 

Don’t be discouraged, stay focused and stay on the program, you’re nearly there. Add a fun form of exercise or movement to your daily routine, or up-the-ante, you can do it!.

Yes, you can conveniently swap your meals around to suit your daily needs. We want you to be able to eat out with friends or attend events during your weight loss journey and beyond.

We encourage you to make healthy choices by planning ahead of time. Looking up the menu of the restaurant/café you will be attending. Ask questions about the preparation of the meal. Choose grilled protein option, add steamed vegetables or salad (with light dressing) instead of fries or potatoes.

How much weight you need to lose is determined by your BMI (Body Mass Index). These results will establish whether you fall in the unhealthy weight range.

We have had success where one of our customers lost 2.5kg in her first week and another lost 1kg.  There are many variables that can determine the outcome and each are different. Certain factors need to be considered such as: starting weight, metabolism, fluid retention and following the program as recommended. All these factors can influence the weekly weight-loss outcome. 

It is important to remember our nutritious formulated meal replacement range, together with daily movement will help get you there. It's designed for weight-loss with long-term health benefits and results!

Simply follow the program as recommended. Improved and noticeable results will be achieved!

Always consult your health care professional if unsure, prior to starting any weight-loss journey. 

We do not recommend replacing three meals per day, we suggest only replacing 2 meals per day to achieve successful results. Healthy Trim is about losing weight and learning a healthier way of living and achieving good long-term eating habits.

  1. During your first week on Healthy Trim, you may experience slight constipation. Ensure you drink at least 8 glasses of water per day. Combine 30 mins of physical movement to assist.
  2. It is important to drink more water to help flush out and assist the body in releasing all the unhealthy toxins from within.
  3. In the first few days you may experience a dull headache, this is normal with some people; your body is adapting to the program. If your headaches persist seek advice from a medical practitioner.
  4. You may come to experience cravings for sweet foods in the first week. Resist these by drinking water, going for a walk or eating your allowable anytime free snacks.  This is a good sign, your carbs are running low and your body is starting to burn more fat. Push through, do not give up!
  5. After about 10 - 12 days your cravings and hunger will have reduced. In most cases you will find your energy levels have increased, brain fog lifted, can think clearer and feel great again!

*This is subject to you following the program 100% and as recommended.


Our shakes are full of natural and nutritional goodness, a complete meal in a shake. No hidden nasties - or artificial preservatives.

However, they are low in calories and high in protein, for the purpose of weight-loss, weight management or endurance training.  

If there is a reason why the child needs to consume weight-loss products, then it's best to obtain approval from a medical professional prior to commencing any weight-loss program.

Yes! All our Whey Protein shakes have been validated Gluten Free and are suitable. They don’t contain or come in contact with any wheat products.

Unfortunately, our shakes are not suitable for vegetarians or vegans. They contain high-levels of Australian grass-fed Whey Protein Concentrate and Collagen sourced from Bovine. 

We are launching a vegan range soon so please subscribe to our Movers & Shakers Club to be the first to know once they launch.

Each meal replacement shake contains a higher measure of essential 26 vitamins and minerals recommended by FSANZ and ESADDI guidelines. We encourage you to include a nutritionally balanced, low carb meal, including protein and veggies or salad, in addition to the 2 shakes.

Yes, men can use our Healthy Trim meal replacement range of shakes.

Our Healthy Trim range has been specially formulated and fully loaded with all the beneficial and nutritional requirements as a healthy meal replacement alternative.

Due to Healthy Trim's program, we recommend you wait while you are pregnant and breastfeeding. Restricting caloric intake and foods while you are pregnant and/or breastfeeding can be problematic.

We recommend you consult a medical practitioner, if you have any underlying health issues prior to starting the program or begin experiencing any unusual symptoms along your weight-loss journey.

Your water intake is vital to eliminate constipation, as your body is going through a detoxification process, burning fat and eliminating waste.

You must drink at least 8 glasses of water per day. This will assist and alleviate issues with constipation. You may also want to try at least 30 mins of physical movement per day, this will help keep you regular.

Our formulated meal replacement shakes contain a high level of whey protein concentrate, which are DAIRY based. We have had instances where our customers have been able to tolerate our whey protein shakes and without any issues. However, this comes down to the individual and how they're able to digest this type of protein. 

Our meal replacement range of shakes are a complete and nutritious meal. Low in sugar, carbohydrates and high in soluble fibre keeping blood sugar levels stabilised.

They are full of wholesome and natural ingredients with added vitamins and minerals at higher measures. We have customers, who have diabetes and are able to consume our shakes without any issues.  This will solely depend on the type of diabetes, if the list and levels of our ingredients are best suited to your condition. 

We recommend you obtain approval from your medical practitioner prior to commencing this or any other weight loss program, to be sure.

You may experience a dull headache in the first few days. This is normal with some people; your body is adapting to the program. Ensure you are drinking plenty of water. If your headaches persist, seek advice from a medical practitioner.

Other supplements aren’t necessary! Our range offers a nutritionally complete meal replacement. We've added digestive enzymes, dietary fibre, 26 essential vitamins and minerals, pre and probiotics, at higher measures.

However, please consult with a medical practitioner if you require more information.

We recommend at least 30 mins of exercise per day, or some form of physical movement.Daily movement will help kickstart your metabolism and increase your chances of achieving your weight loss goals sooner. It also helps to strengthen and tone your body during your weight-loss journey.

We recommend slowly increasing load and duration. Once you build up your fitness levels you can choose to up-the-ante by adding 10-minute increments to your exercise routine each week.

Have a go, plan some fun activities, dance, join a walking or hiking group. Get out there, it will certainly help your weight-loss and achieve faster results. 

We recommend you omit any alcohol in the early stages of our program to achieve a rapid result. 

Drinking in moderation would most certainly be recommended when you are closer to reaching your desired weight loss goals.

For best results limit your drinks to the following:

  • Black coffee (may add small amount of skim milk – no more than 2 cups per day)
  • Black tea (may add small amount of skim milk – no more than 2 cups per day)
  • Herbal teas
  • Water, spring, soda or mineral -  sugar free
  • Diet cordial 

*Avoid lattes or cappuccinos, they exceed the recommended milk intake and may affect your results.

*Avoid all sugary drinks, fruit juices, alcohol, as they contain high amounts of calories.  

Drinking water helps to eliminate stomach cramps, bloating and constipation while using meal replacement shakes. 

Plus, the health benefits of drinking water include boosted energy levels, helps lubricate your joints, detoxifies and regulates the body temperature and keeps the kidneys healthy. It also helps in preventing digestive issues like constipation, headaches, and osteoporosis. It plays an important role in kidney function and skin care.

Our shakes are a true and nutritionally complete formulated meal replacement shake.  You only need to add 250mls cold water and ice, shake or blitz for a healthy weight loss option. Substituting milk for water may unnecessarily hinder your weight loss progress and goals.

No, it is not a Keto diet. A Keto diet is low in carbs, sugar and high in protein and fats. Healthy Trim meal replacement shakes are low in sugar, carbs, fat but high in protein.

Ordering & Shipping 

Yes, all our products are manufactured in Australia. We aim to source all our ingredients from within Australia whenever possible.

Your tracking number is emailed to you when your order has left our Melbourne warehouse. 

You can also find your tracking number in your order history within your Trim account section. If you did not create an account, your tracking details will be directly emailed to you with the email address you provided at the time your order was placed. Occasionally they appear in your junk folder, so please check there as well. 

Our orders are shipped via Australia Post. We pride ourselves on a fast turnaround of orders from our Melbourne warehouse. Parcels usually take around 5-7 business days and around 2-3 for express. 

Your tracking information is emailed to the email address provided at the time of order placed. If you have set up a Healthy Trim account your order history and tracking details can be found there.

Please note during peak times Australia Post does suffer from delays. 

You can easily re-order quickly if you join our Movers & Shakers Club. Go to My Account and view your order history section. You will see a RE-ORDER link next to your previous orders. This will automatically send all the items into your cart for fast checkout. 

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